Windows 10 is the most popular computer operating system from Microsoft. And you know they release security patches and major refined updates often. The availability of free applications and the universal nature still keep the platform above par.
The tech titan has announced the major changes they will roll out for the next month. Typically, they release two major updates every year; in April and October. Dubbed as May 2019 Update, the first iteration of the year will hit every Windows 10 PC in a month. Let’s have a look at the features they have kept in shelf for us.
Windows 10 May 2019 Updates; Main Features
We all know how companies approach a major update. First, they provide a handful of users with a beta build to check whether it has bugs or not. When the number of bugs approaches zero, they start releasing stable builds for everyone. Microsoft is not different either.
Let’s delve into the significant features you can find on Windows 10 May 2019 Update.
1. New Start Menu

Have you ever felt it’s flamboyant to have a grandiose start menu? Many of you prefer a simple layout with a few essential features and no exuberance. Yeah, that’s exactly what you are going to see with the new update.
They have integrated a single column start menu with the ability to uninstall additional inbox apps and a convenient method of unpinning apps.
2. Windows Sandbox

We are living in a world of threats. You know how deadly a .exe file can be. Sometimes your curiosity may steal the health of your computer. Not anymore! The May update will bring a sandbox feature to the table, using which you can run anything in an isolated environment so that it doesn’t affect anything else on your computer.
3. Reserved Storage
It is inevitable for the OS to have some space free on the disk. You might have encountered occasional reboots when the system drive runs out of space. From the next update, the operating system itself with no action from your side will reserve around 7 GB of space for updates, temporary files, apps, and caches.
4. Search and Cortana Breakup

Previously, Microsoft embedded Cortana at the bottom panel along with the search bar. By separating them, you get an easy way to access both.
No, the list of features doesn’t end here. You may see subtle changes when it hits your PC. Moreover, the company has paid heed in minimizing the number of bugs as well.