WhatsApp recently announced a complete UI overhaul for its Android and iOS applications. The new redesigned app features a new layout along with updated accent colors. Meta keeps updating the app at regular intervals to give its users the best-in-class experience. The brand is now planning to add a new feature that would allow users to use AI-generated images as their profile pictures.
You will soon able to create and use an AI profile pic on WhatsApp
You might wonder if using AI-generated profile pic in WhatsApp is already possible. One can easily use any other AI tool to generate the image and later use it as a profile picture. But Meta doesn’t want you to use any other tool for that purpose and you can now easily create and use an AI-generated image as a profile picture.
According to WhatsApp update tracker WABetaInfo, the instant messaging network is testing AI Profile Photos in the WhatsApp beta for Android It was discovered alongside another feature that may allow users to make personalized stickers from descriptions provided by the user via AI. Yes, you heard it right. You will be soon able to use Meta’s AI to generate an image and then use it directly as your profile picture.
Users should describe the image they want on the newly added “Create AI Profile Picture” page. The AI Profile Photos feature then makes a custom photo to match the description. This could help users avoid sharing their profile photos and reduce the risk of unauthorized usage.
The functionality is reportedly still under development and is anticipated to be featured in a forthcoming update of WhatsApp for Android. This represents just one of the numerous upcoming features that the platform is currently in the process of developing, including the potential integration of AI-powered stickers to enhance users’ chat experience. Furthermore, Meta is actively working on a feature that would enable users to reset their unread message count.
WhatsApp will get a bunch of new features starting with the support of AI-generated profile pictures. But do keep in mind that not all the features that are in the testing phase make their way through to the stable update. We will have to wait until the next few stable updates come out. This will confirm how many features are going to come in the end version.