WhatsApp Screen Sharing feature will soon arrive for users in Beta testing, allowing them to cast their screen on video calls. Recently, Meta has brought features like multi-device support on mobiles, chat lock, a new navigation bar, and silencing unknown callers options. Now, they have planned to bring screen-sharing option during a video call.
The feature is currently available for testing for the Beta program opted users on Android and iOS devices. WABetaInfo is one of the most reliable websites in providing all the information regarding new updates on WhatsApp. The website has claimed that this new feature will allow users to have an overall enhanced experience while making video calls.
The Beta testing users of WhatsApp can experience this feature after updating the application to the latest beta version. The video calling interface on WhatsApp will now feature a new icon in the bottom control bar. User has the vicinity to select screen sharing by tapping on the icon and starting to share their display on the video call.
WhatsApp Screen Sharing Update: Functionality and Availability
WhatsApp will record the screen and share the same with the recipient on the other side. The user that’s sharing the screen has total control of stopping the process during the video call. Moreover, it’s a feature that only starts working when the user has given full permission and consent for the application to share the screen.
The feature will not work on devices that run older versions of Android. Furthermore, the screen-sharing option will only show up in regular calling and not group calls. If the recipient has an older version of WhatsApp running on their device, they cannot see the shared screen on the video call. The WABetaInfo has shared screenshots of this new feature that showcases the functioning of screen sharing on a video call.
Users need to be extra careful while sharing screen on the video from WhatsApp. The screen will project the entire content on your device which may even include your passwords, payments, or any personal files. When the users want to end the screen sharing, there’s a provided option of “Stop Sharing” on the screen with which the screen sharing stops.
Many users have already updated their WhatsApp to the version and started using the new navigation bar. The tabs on the new navigation bar include Chats, Status, Calls, and Communities. Now, the new update will provide a complete experience for the users to directly share their screen while making video call in the coming weeks.