WhatsApp has started testing a new feature that allows iPhone users to transfer chats without using iCloud. The WhatsApp Chat Transfer from one device to another in iOS devices becomes quite a hassle. The incorporation of backup systems with iCloud for media and Chat data makes it a reliable process. On the flip side, the process becomes a bit fussy and slow due to iCloud.
Currently, this scenario will change as WhatsApp in its upcoming updates will bring a new feature. The feature will allow the users to directly transfer chats from one iPhone to another iPhone without the intrusion of iCloud—the same stands for Android users where the users can transfer chats without using Google Drive.
WhatsApp Chat Transfer Chats on iPhone without using iCloud
WhatsApp in its current state only supports migrating user’s chat and media data from one iPhone to another using iCloud backup. Now, with the upcoming new feature known as “Transfer Chats to iPhone”, users only need to follow simple steps to migrate data. The user just has to download the WhatsApp application on their new iPhone.
After the installation of WhatsApp on their new iPhone, they can use their old phone to scan a QR code shown on the new iPhone. Just after the scanning of the QR code, the new device will automatically start the transfer of old chat history and media. This way, the transfer of the chat backup and media files of WhatsApp on iPhone will work seamlessly without iCloud.
As it’s a new feature and still in the testing stage, Meta has started sending it to the Beta users that have installed the latest version of WhatsApp. The rollout of this new feature on the iPhone will begin soon in the coming days. However, there’s no clear information regarding the rollout of the feature for regular users.
According to a recent report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp beta for iOS will bring this new feature to iPhones’. Additionally, WhatsApp will bring the same feature for Android users, where they can easily transfer chats. Currently, Android users rely on Google Drive which takes quite a lot of time to download the chat and media backup.
In other news, WhatsApp will soon support multi-device login as the CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg announced the same recently. This means that users can log in to their WhatsApp account on up to four mobiles simultaneously. The option in the current WhatsApp version is limited to only one mobile and multiple desktop logins at one time.