WhatsApp the instant messaging platform from Meta has started testing some new features. The upcoming features on WhatsApp are the Silence Unknown Callers, Admin Review, Bottom Navigation Menu, and GIF Auto-Play. Recently, Meta has added some new features such as a Chat transfer option on iPhone without iCloud and support for multiple mobile device login.
Meta has started testing these new features on the instant messaging platform to improve the overall user experience. The list of upcoming features even includes a new bottom navigation bar for a redefined user interface for Android users. The features were rolled out for WhatsApp Beta update versions of and
Let’s have an in-depth look at the upcoming new updates and changes on WhatsApp rolled out in Beta versions.
WhatsApp brings Silence Unknown Callers, Admin Review, Bottom Navigation Bar, and GIF Auto-Play
The first feature newly tested on WhatsApp in the recent update comes as the Silence Unknown Callers option. The feature rolled on the Beta testing version of for Android users and resides under the Privacy options in Settings.
This new feature on WhatsApp works similarly to that of the iPhone’s feature with the same name. The Silence Unknown Callers will mute the ringer when you receive a call from unknown numbers. The user can check the missed call in the recent call tab on WhatsApp.
The next update that has arrived on the messaging application is the Admin Review option. The update came into play on the Beta version of WhatsApp. If the Admin of a group turns on this feature, the group members can report messages to the admin.
The admin can review the message that the group members have reported and delete the particular message for everyone. There’s more to it, the flagged messages by the group members will be visible only to the admin of the group.
The next feature on the latest Beta versions of WhatsApp is with regards to the visual or user experience. The instant messaging application now features a new bottom navigation bar that mimics similar to the iPhone version.
The menu of the new navigation bar for WhatsApp will feature options like Chats, Communities, Status, and Calls. This new visual appearance addition was brought on the version of WhatsApp Beta for testing.
The last feature of the latest update on the social media platform is the ability to auto-play GIF media. The company has brought this feature on their Beta version of the update for iOS users. This feature will allow GIF media to play automatically when sent or received in a chat.