Meta has developed new features for WhatsApp that allow you to make group voice chats in communities. The feature works very similar to the Twitter Spaces and Discord voice channels. WhatsApp which was introduced as a text-messaging application has later added voice and video calling options on their platform.
As time went on, the company made significant progress by adding new features and making the platform a versatile communication app. Now, the Meta-owned application has started to get into competition with Twitter and Discord in bringing voice chat support to communities. The latest reports and leaks show a significant amount of information, suggesting sooner release on both Android and iOS platforms.
WhatsApp to Bring Dedicated Voice Channel Support for Groups
The WhatsApp Beta version features the latest group voice chat option which works similarly to Discord. The feature will allow the participants to join an active voice chat channel at any time. The participants of the group will receive a “Silent” notification which will not disturb the group members with active call notification.
The reports about the feature were spotted by the WABetaInfo and revealed that the feature is currently available for the Beta testers. WhatsApp users who have installed the Beta version of the application can check out this new feature. The users will see a new voice waveform icon and tapping on that will let users start the voice chat along with a dedicated interface.
After the initiation of the voice chat, a thumbnail will appear on the group icon in the chat details. The details include the duration of the ongoing voice chat. The chat window on the group or community will end automatically if there’s no participant active on the chat. It’s a feature that works very similar to the Twitter Spaces and Discord applications.
Currently, the voice chat feature on group chat is only accessible to a few groups that include more than 32 participants. There’s a catch here, the voice chat window on groups has a limitation of only 32 participants in one session. Furthermore, WhatsApp has taken all the security measures and made these voice chats end-to-end encrypted.
Voice chats come with many more advantages as compared to traditional group calls. It’s because there’s no hustle of adding contacts to the call manually. Interested participants can join the call session by tapping the icon provided on the group. The beta testing of this feature is currently in full swing and will reach out to stable users in the coming days.