WhatsApp will soon introduce a feature similar to Apple’s AirDrop and Android’s Nearby sharing on the messaging platform. The social media application has brought many changes in the past couple of years. These changes include updates to the user interface and introducing one-time messages and media sharing in the chats.
More recently, the messaging application featured a new option to send media files without compression for a size of up to 2GB. Now, the platform has started experimenting and will soon bring a new feature to share files even quicker and easier. It looks like WhatsApp is making its efforts to make the application an all-rounder in providing more functionality.
WhatsApp to Introduce a feature similar to Nearby Share and AirDrop
The Meta-owned social messaging application has now made plans to bring their new feature which was introduced and used for many years. The transferring of files feature on the application will mimic Android’s Nearby Share and Apple’s AirDrop. This particular option will allow users to share files while nearby.
WABetaInfo provided the details about these upcoming features on WhatsApp in their latest reports. The blog has mentioned that WhatsApp beta users with Android can now access this feature. Furthermore, the firm has even revealed a screenshot of this option showcased on the platform.
The beta users of WhatsApp can now have early access to this new feature for sharing files quickly and easily. Users have the option to send and receive the files while at a close distance and users can activate this feature with a unique gesture. When a user shakes the device, WhatsApp will activate this feature allowing users to select files and share.
On the other hand, users don’t have to worry about privacy as well because of the inclusion of end-to-end encryption. This way, users can transfer the files securely even with unknown contacts and while connected to a public or new network. The inclusion of end-to-end encryption makes it an attractive pick for users, as the Apple and Android alternatives lack it.
Talking about other updates on WhatsApp, Meta has added quite a few interesting bits to their messaging application. These include the Polls, which allow users to create voting polls in the channels and get an opinion.
The next feature would be the Share to Status, which helps users share the channel messages to share their status. Lastly, there’s a new update to have multiple admins on channels and send voice messages on channels.