WhatsApp has recently rolled out multiple features both WhatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp Business. The company has added multiple features like animated stickers, chat with QR code and catalog sharing for WhatsApp business. Moreover, the company is also testing features like contact sharing, voice over improvements on its latest beta version of iOS.
WhatsApp Animated Stickers
WhatsApp announces on twitter, the new rollout for animated stickers. The feature comes with the latest version of the app, for Android v2.20194.16 and for iOS v2.20.70. The feature is also available on WhatsApp Web. However, to use animated stickers on desktop, users have to download the animated sticker pack on their smartphone, and WhatsApp web still doesn’t have an option to access sticker stores.
Once updated, users can add animated stickers by clicking on the emoji icon at the bottom of the chat. Tap on the add button to add more stickers, and it will take you to the sticker store. Here you can download the animated stickers and find the downloaded sticker in My Stickers option.
These animated stickers will play just once in the chat and don’t play on loop like Gifs. To start the animation of the sticker you have to scroll up and down or you can simply tap on the sticker to play it. For now, the app does not support any third-party animated stickers.
The company has also added ‘open for Business sticker pack’ for WhatsApp business. The open for business sticker pack includes more than 20 new animated stickers to help people and businesses.
WhatsApp Business: Start chatting with QR Code
WhatsApp Business is also getting new features like QR code and catalog sharing. The new QR code feature will help businesses on WhatsApp to chat with their users directly. Previously, to chat with a business account users had to save the number to their phonebook to start a chat with them.
With the latest update, businesses on WhatsApp can generate a QR code of their account and can share it with everyone. WhatsApp Business users on Android can view their QR by clicking on More options > Business Tools > Short link > View QR Code. Whereas iOS users can click on Settings > Business Tools > Short Link > View QR code.
Catalogue Sharing Improvements
WhatsApp Business users can also make use of the catalog feature to show customers about the products they offer. The feature is pretty useful for business but it was hard to share until now.
With the latest update, the company has improved sharing both catalogs and individual products. Business users can now share their products through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others.