WhatsApp has made its way into the smartphones of billions of users across the globe providing instant messaging services. The social messaging platform owned by Meta has seen many upgrades and new features that have catered to a wide range of users. However, the application will now start receiving a new update that’s been a hassle for almost all users for a long time.
The users of this popular messaging application can now send and receive images and videos in HD quality. Meta has worked on this feature that supports media sharing in high-quality resolutions. Previously, WhatsApp used to compress images and videos heavily which would hamper the quality.
WhatsApp to bring Support for High-Quality Image and Video Sharing
The support for sharing media files at high quality without any compression was already present on rival apps such as Telegram. WhatsApp as an application was not launched as a media-supported platform but as an instant messaging service. However, the increase in competition has led the messaging application to change its route with support for calling and sharing media files.
Although the application has received this new update of sharing HD media files, WhatsApp has still capped the quality of the videos. The latest update will support HD files and still reduce the resolution of the 4K videos to 720p which is better than the previous compression rates. WABetaInfo provided the details regarding the new HD media sharing.
The WABetainfo has revealed the interface of the HD media file sharing that will soon arrive on WhatsApp. The beta v2.23.18.12 of the Android version of WhatsApp arrives with this new update of the HD media sharing option. The screenshot provided by WABetaInfo shows a new Choose from Gallery option and an attach button to send files.
The attach button will showcase all of the files on the device and let users choose the file they want to send with no compression on WhatsApp. However, it’s still not the perfect solution provided by WhatsApp as the files still count as a document and not as a media file.
Users have already made use of the Documents option on WhatsApp for quite a long time to send Images and videos without losing quality. The update is still in its development stage and currently even the Beta testers don’t have access to this option.
What’s your opinion on WhatsApp’s upcoming HD media sharing feature? Do share your views in the comment section.