The social media giant WhatsApp has added more features to its app. The company has recently announced the latest version of the app with new custom wallpaper for different chats, an all-new search feature for stickers, and a new animation sticker pack.
According to the official release from the company, Wallpaper on WhatsApp will get four major updates. The updates consist of custom chat wallpapers, additional doodle wallpapers, an updated stock wallpaper gallery, and also the ability to set separate wallpapers for light and dark mode settings.
WhatsApp Wallpaper
The latest update allows users to customize their chats personal and distinguishable by using custom wallpapers. The company says this will also help users distinguish chats with their favorite people such as family members or close friends.
To enhance the custom wallpaper feature, the company is also adding new Doodle wallpapers in more color options. WhatsApp says they have chosen from new, diverse, and iconic images of nature and architecture from around the world, as well as eye-catching new designs. They will be available in the “Bright” and “Dark” albums.
Additionally, the app will also get separate light/dark mode wallpapers. Also, users will be able to separate wallpapers in dark mode for the best chat experience. The chat wallpaper will automatically transition as the phone device setting switches from light to dark mode.
New Sticker Search and Stickers Pack
The social media company says it is also improving Sticker Search. Also, to make searching for the right sticker easier, users can now type or use emoji to find a particular sticker. Or can also browse through common sticker categories.
It says it will encourage sticker app creators to tag their stickers with emojis and text moving forward, to make them easily searchable for all users.
Lastly, it is also adding a new Animated WHO Sticker pack with the title: ‘Together at Home’ theme. The company says this pack has been one of the most popular sticker packs across WhatsApp. It will come in an animated form now. The sticker pack also comes with text localized for 9 languages, which are Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.
To recall you, WhatsApp recently introduced a storage management tool. It will help users to remove junk media files, by easily identifying, reviewing, and bulk deletes content. The redesigned storage management tool is rolling out for WhatsApp users globally this week. It will also offer various cleanup suggestions. The tool was spotted earlier this year.