Blogging has become the preferred way for many people for expressing their thoughts and sharing it with a large audience on the internet. Besides this, blogging has also become a means of earning from home for many people too ever since Google launched its Adsense service. The main reason for the rise and popularity of blogging has been the ease with which a person can set up his blog and can attract people towards it. With blogging becoming such a major business, several blogging tools have been developed to help the bloggers in making their blogs more appealing and effective. Here is a list of 14 blogging tools that you must have in order to become a successful blogger.
1. RSS Reader
RSS Reader is a very good tool for bloggers that provides them the chance to get the latest news about the industry on which their blog is based. You just have to subscribe to the website feeds that the RSS Reader provides and you will never get starved for content topics for your blog.
2. Creative Commons
Creative Commons is another useful tool that every blogger must have. This tool allows you to search those images that are not restricted to be used for commercial purposes. You can search photos and images from various websites including Flickr, Google Images, Fotopedia and Pixabay.
3. CloudFlare
CloudFlare is a blogging tool that protects your blog from hackers and spammers. This tool provides you advanced security features that will keep malicious web bots and hackers from stealing your valuable content.
4. pando
Pando is an excellent blogging tool that quickens the loading time of your blog even if you have heavy image files on your blog posts by streamlining the load times of all the images.
5. Google Dcos
Google Docs can help a blogger in collaborating with his team of bloggers or his editor in real-time. The Google Docs can be shared easily and the editor or the rest of your team members can comment on your post as well before it gets published.
6. PunchTab
Punch Tab is another useful tool that can help you in making reward programs for your readers. Just come up with a reward and Punch Tab will quickly formulate the code for your blog in no time at all.
7. Watermark
Watermark is a blogging tool that helps bloggers in preventing the images they use on the blog posts to be copied by others by stamping your mark on them
8. Google Keyword Tool
If you are blogging to attract readers and make money then Google Keyword tool is an absolute must for you. This tool will provide you with all the keywords that are being searched the most on the internet so that you can use them in your posts and attract lots of readers to your blog. Google Keyword tool helps a lot while keyword research
9. OnlyWire
OnlyWire is a useful blogging tool that allows you to share your content on all the major social networking websites like Facebook, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Digg, Reddit and many others.
10. Copyscape
Copyscape is a tool that helps you in knowing who is copying your content and putting it on his own blogs or websites.
11. Google Analytics
Google Analytics lets you know what type of people are viewing your blog and from where have they been directed or referred to your blog. This information can help you in composing your content in a much better manner.
12. Bloapp
Bloapp is a relatively new tool that allows you to make an iPhone app of your blog just by following some simple steps. After the app is created, Bloapp uploads it to the Apple app market too.
13. Aweber
Aweber is an auto responder service that gives you the chance to send newsletter and other informational stuff regarding your blog to all the people in your mailing list.
14. PingoMatic
If you want your blog to be indexed by search engines then PingoMatic is a very useful tool for you. PingoMatic allows you to inform multiple websites about your new posts that have recently been published by you, thereby, getting the blog search crawlers to index your blog more quickly than ever.
A good collection of tools that every blogger will find useful. And yes, PunchTab is a good rewards showering tool. 🙂
cool and i dont have words to express as these are really amazing tools for blogger
I am using most of these tools on my blogs. What I am lacking is Aweber and Pando. In fact, I wasn’t knowing about Pando before. Will give it a try!
Thanks for the information.
awesome tool must have indeed thanks for sharing these awesome tools keep it coming !
Think I will definatly have to have a look at watermark because on my site I have loads of photos and don’t want them open to everybody to use and abuse.
Going to do this right now so thanks lee
I am writing this comment since i think this tool will be a handy tool for blogger users . This can post contents automatically to multiple blogs at once .
Good Tips mate, i first learnt so many of them here. Thanks
Awesome post! Thank you for sharing this very informative post. It is great to know these 14 blogging tools since not all people know these all tools. Bloggers must use these tools in order for them to be more successful.
Welcome Mai
Another one tool I suggest to use is content delivery networks to minimize the loading time. Thanks to the lists of useful tools.
Thank you for sharing this post, it is extremely useful. I agree that bloggers will need to use these tools in order to be more successful and because they are free there is no excuse of why they should not incorporate them. I really like the idea of copyscape because it would be ideal to know if anyone is copying your ideas so that you can prevent them.
Copyscape is a power full tool. i always check my articles in it once a month
Very useful lists for bloggers. I have used most of them and came to know about Pando. I haven’t used it yet. Going to try it 🙂
Along with the list you have also added social media sharing tool like bufferapp
Nice suggestion I am using most of them.
great tips….truly saying if somebody follow all this tips i am sure that he/she have a great career in the blogging…
Mohit, these 14 tools are mandatory for every blogger but there are tons of other free and premium tools which may help full time bloggers
I am using some of above tips on my website and now I am thinking to use aweber newsletter service because I have read lot of recommendation on net regarding this.
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