Samsung is known to be working on a foldable smartphone from some time now. However, the company showed off an early prototype of this smartphone late last year. Also, the company revealed that this smartphone will be named as the Galaxy X.
Apart from that, Samsung has revealed that this smartphone will be commercially available too. We know that the CES which is the biggest electronics trade show is going on at Las Vegas right now. At this event, Samsung is believed to have shown off their upcoming Galaxy X to “select few people”.
Samsung showcases Galaxy X behind closed doors to its client companies

As we mentioned earlier, Samsung showed the Galaxy X to a ‘select few people’. However, this showcasing wasn’t done at the main stage but rather inside a private conference room. Also, the Galaxy X was shown to Samsung’s client companies. These client companies involve the carrier partners and other investors.
This information has been revealed by a Korean publication, The Investor. According to them, Samsung is still working on fine-tuning the Galaxy X’s software and hardware. However, we may see the smartphone launched officially within the next few months.
On the other hand, The investor also reveals that the prototype that was shown by Samsung does not show any creases on unfolding. On folding the smartphone, it feels like the phone has not been bent at all. But Samsung believes that the smartphone cannot be completely bent as it will break.
So they are working on a solution to keep the display lifted slightly while it is bent so that no damage is caused to the display in long-term usage. However, it is also reported that the current prototype of Galaxy X leaves creases when folded which should be fixed in the final production units.

The showcasing of this prototype, on the other hand, is not entirely new from Samsung. Last year at the CES, Samsung reportedly showed their Samsung Galaxy S8 to the investors and carrier partners. According to Samsung’s release timeline, the latest Galaxy smartphones from the company are launched at the MWC in February.
Therefore, the company shows their smartphones a month early to their partners to get them on the same page. With the Galaxy X briefing, Samsung intends to do the same as well. Also, Samsung must have given some sort of a release timeline on the release of Galaxy S10 (expected at the MWC next month) as well as the Galaxy X to its partners too.