On the lockdown situation in India, Smartphone companies are coming forward and extending warranty on devices. On Friday 3rd April Lenovo and Motorola on Friday announced that it will be extending the global warranty of products till May 31.
The list includes other smartphone brands such as OnePlus, Realme, Honor, Samsung and Huawei who extended the product warranty of its devices. The warranty extension program is amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lenovo and Motorola sent out a press release, In the press release the company said it is offering of almost 75 days free global warranty extension. The extension in the warranty is applicable to Lenovo and Motorola Smartphones and other accessories whose warranty was expiring between March 15 to April 20. To remind you, Motorola is owned by Lenovo.
Recently, OnePlus extended the warranty of its smartphones. The company has extended warranty and the return period on its devices to May 31. Other smartphone brands like Huawei, Honor, and Realme also extended the product warranty of its devices.
Samsung Extended Warranty on all Electronic Products
Further, The south Korean giant ‘Samsung’ released a press note on 1 April. On the press release the company mentioned, it is extending the warranty coverage on its devices till May 31. However, the warranty extension is for India only. The list includes Samsung smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, and even TV sets.
Samsung said:
Keeping in mind the present scenario, we will be extending the standard warranty across our product portfolio till May 31, 2020. This will be valid for all products whose warranty would have expired in this lockdown period (between March 20 and April 30, 2020).
Additionally, Samsung is extending the redemption period of offers for pre-booked customers of Galaxy S20. Buyer can collect and activate their smartphone till April 30, previously the date was March 31.
This move from smartphone giants will help consumers during the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The initiative from the companies will make its consumer’s tension free about their defective product, and they will able to get it repaired after lockdown till May 31 without worrying about warranty.