Samsung Galaxy AI was unveiled along with the new Galaxy S24 Series launch recently. The Korean mobile manufacturer has brought their new set of flagship smartphones this year emphasizing more towards AI. The tech giant has even made advancements with its device cameras with improved clarity.
There are no new changes to the design of the devices and they mostly retain the yesteryear’s design model. Although there are new additions to the screen as well, the main attractive factor for this year’s flagships is the inclusion of AI. The brand has made a significant leap with the software and mixing Artificial Intelligence to provide a better experience for the users.
Samsung Galaxy AI not just on S-Series but on 100 Million more Galaxy Devices
Samsung Galaxy devices are known for their designs and OneUI software that cater to many users across the world. The release of the new Galaxy flagship smartphones has turned many eyes to Samsung after their announcement of Galaxy AI features. The Korean brand with the integration of AI has brought options to provide easy and quicker generative results.
Samsung has collaborated with Google in bringing AI features to the devices for generating fast accurate results. Users can directly trigger the AI feature and round off the things on the screen to know more details. Similarly, the photo editing tool on the Galaxy device with a generative AI edit option has paved for many creative options for the users.
The AI generation on the new flagships will rely on Google’s Gemini Pro, and Imagen 2 on Vertex AI running in the Cloud. This indicates that users will have to stay connected to the internet to experience any AI-related options. On the other hand, Gemini Pro will have strong a build in terms of security, safety, privacy, and data compliance.
The Galaxy S24 series will feature the latest Android 14 operating system out of the box that features Gemini Nano. A feature that was already seen on Google’s flagship Pixel, which is a large language model. This particular feature will help the users make smart replies. Also, it allows videos to have less shaky footage and improved night mode shots.
Lastly, the main news here comes as the Korean brand announces that, the Galaxy AI feature will roll out to more than 100 million devices. Apart from this, the brand will use Baidu AI instead of Google’s LLM in using generative AI features. Samsung will soon initiate these changes to their Galaxy devices.