Xiaomi India has launched their new Redmi TV X series lineup in India. The company today has launched three different sized TVs for the Indian Television market. The sizes of these new televisions are a 50-inch variant, 55-inch variant, and a 65-inches version. Moreover, Redmi TVs that launched today is feature-loaded with affordable prices as compared to other TV brands.
The Indian smart TV market has drastically increased over the past 3 years. Many brands have entered the game trying out their luck. Xiaomi India has previously launched a couple of Smart TVs which were successful products as per sales and service in India. There are other brands as well such as Realme and OnePlus which released their Smart TVs and have conquered a certain place for themselves.
Redmi TV X-Series Specifications
The Redmi TV from Xiaomi comes in three different models – X50, X55, and X65. These model numbers represent the size of the screens that are 50-inches, 55-inches, and 65-inches panels. The X-Series is a Smart TV that has support for 4K Resolution, Dolby Vision, and HDR10+ formats for high dynamic range content. These TVs run on the Android 10 operating system with a PatchWall interface on top.
The UI of the TVs is stock Android but users can access the PatchWall interface. This interface is a unique feature from Xiaomi that helps the viewer to select a movie from hours of content as recommendations.
In addition to these features, Redmi TV X-Series has Google Assistant built-in that lets you control the device with your voice commands. The speaker system present on these TVs is 30W that has Dolby Audio support.
Under the hood, a Quad-Core MediaTek chipset powers these Smart TVs from Redmi. Moreover, it is combined with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. The processor used can help the user with apps and app data, and auto low-latency mode.
This helps for better performance and a smoother experience. The connectivity ports present on these smart TVs are three HDMI 2.1 ports with one supporting eARC, two USB ports, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
Price and Availability
The Redmi TV X50 model is available for a price tag of Rs. 32,999. The X55 model comes for a price of Rs. 38,999 and the bigger sized X65 variant gets a price tag of Rs. 57,999. All of the models have support for 4K Resolution, Bluetooth 5.0, and Dual-Band Wi-Fi support out-of-the-box.
These newly announced Redmi Smart TVs will go on sale from March 25 on Mi.com, Amazon India, Mi Studio offline stores, and Mi Home showrooms.