The Pebble Cosmos Engage Smartwatch has officially launched, featuring a 1.95-inch display and Bluetooth calling. The brand has brought its latest smartwatch with a design similar to Apple Watch Ultra. Previously, the Fire-Boltt company has brought the Gladiator smartwatch with the same design language, and now Pebble joins the list.
The physical body of the Cosmos Engage smartwatch comes with a large crown on the right side and a function button on the left side of the casing. Moreover, the brand has built the smartwatch with an IP67 rating keeping it resistant to water and dust. Besides, Pebble has used a similar type of strap found with the Watch Ultra from Apple, making the similarity much higher.
Let’s have a look at all of the features, specifications, pricing, and availability of the Pebble Cosmos Engage smartwatch.
Pebble Cosmos Engage Specifications
The Pebble Cosmos, Engage smartwatch sports a 1.95-inch IPS rectangular display with a screen resolution of 320×385 pixels. The display comes with the support of an always-on feature that showcases needed information. The smartwatch display comes with a peak brightness of 600 nits, making it visible even in broad day sunlight.
The smartwatch comes with the compatibility of both Apple iOS and Android support with the proprietary application. Users can connect the smartwatch with Bluetooth on compatible devices and make their desired preferences.
Moreover, the brand has built the Cosmos Engage with an all-metal shock-proof casing made from Zinc alloy. The watch even has the IP67 certification along with a strong build for water and dust resistance. The Pebble’s latest smartwatch includes features like AI voice assistance, Bluetooth calling, wireless charging, sleep tracking, and an all-in-one health suite.
Health-wise, the watch comes with sensors that measure blood oxygen levels, blood pressure, and heart rate. Furthermore, the watch has support for many sports modes with activity tracking all in one place. The battery pack provided with the smartwatch will last for 5 days on a single charge and supports wireless charging.
Price and Availability,
The Pebble Cosmos Engage comes with a price tag of Rs. 7,999 as regular pricing. However, you can grab the smartwatch at a discounted price of Rs. 3,999 from Pebble’s official website. On the other hand, The brand is planning to bring the smartwatch on other e-commerce websites as well for sale in India.
The smartwatch arrives in four different shades of color options, such as Salamander Orange, Starlight, Midnight Black, and Celestial Blue. Pebble is providing the smartwatch with a one-year replacement guarantee on the Cosmos Engage smartwatch.