Meta Quest VR will soon become compatible with WhatsApp on Android Beta. Meta acquired Oculus in 2014, and the virtual reality company has developed and manufactured VR headsets. Recently, Apple has also joined the league with the launch of their Vision Pro at WWDC23, which works as both AR/VR headsets.
WhatsApp is going above and beyond in bringing new updates to its users on iOS and Android. The latest reports from the renowned WhatsApp update provider, WABetaInfo have released a post regarding the support of WhatsApp on Meta Quest. The report suggests that WhatsApp is working to add Meta Quest as a compatible device on Android Beta as a linked device.
Meta Quest Devices Can Run WhatsApp as a Linked Device
The WABetaInfo report has revealed that WhatsApp will feature the compatibility of Meta Quest as a Linked device in the upcoming updates on Android Beta. The users can link with an existing WhatsApp account on a Meta Quest device. The messaging application will recognize the device as an officially linked device in the coming days.
The folks that have reported about this new addition on WhatsApp have come across this feature on the newer WhatsApp beta version. The WhatsApp Beta version with the update featured the compatibility of Meta Quest in the Android version. However, the feature is not officially available, many users have tried installing forcefully on the Meta Quest devices.
This feature will change the way users can interact, as they can use it on a VR headset. It’s a new way to use the application other than the native mobile and PC versions. Nonetheless, the feature is still in its development stage, and in further public updates, Meta will bring it to a wide range of audiences. As of now, this was the only information that came out regarding the Meta Quest and WhatsApp support.
In other news, WhatsApp has started rolling out the screen-sharing feature for users that make video calls. The particular feature will enable users to share their content on the screen with everyone present in the ongoing call. The feature is currently available for testing on some of the tester’s devices. WhatsApp version is the update available for Beta testing on iOS’s TestFlight app.
Furthermore, the tech giant has released new updates like editing messages within 15 minutes after it’s sent on WhatsApp. Besides, the application even received a new Silence Unknown Callers. The company is even planning to bring a caller ID feature. The feature will make it much easier to identify people on WhatsApp.