Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s CEO, has announced their latest Meta Quest 3 virtual reality headset. These new headsets for consuming VR content come with advancements and design changes from the previous version. The newly launched version of the Quest 3 comes with 128GB of storage. The company will bring additional storage options in the coming days.
Meta has planned to reveal more details and the availability of their new VR headset in September this year. This new VR headset from the brand is a significant upgrade from the predecessor in terms of colors, and resolution of the visuals. Even the price has gone up to more than $200 when compared to the Quest 2 that was launched in 2020.
Meta Quest 3 at $499 to Offer Better Optics and Resolution
The new VR headset features a combined display featuring high resolution and optics shaped in a unique way for better visibility. In increasing the pixel count, Meta has joined hands with Qualcomm, which manufactures chipsets. Both have collaborated in developing a next-generation chipset that helps in increasing the pixel count.
The profile in the optics features a 40% profile when compared with the Quest 2 and has a more elegant and comfy design. There’s an option to upgrade to a different controller from the basic one which is the Meta Quest Touch Pro. These controllers provide users with a premium VR experience.
Moreover, the headsets come with the support of hand tracking which uses the sensors provided on the headset. The hand-tracking feature will enable users in interacting with objects in the virtual space. The company uses Direct Touch technology which helps in making interactions of virtual objects with hands possible.
The Quest 3 headset comes with support for compatibility with Quest 2’s VR library which includes 500+ game titles. Furthermore, the headset has a drastic improvement in its performance when compared to the Quest 2. In the CPU performance, users can notice up to 26% increase, and in the GPU it goes up to 19% from the Quest 2 and 11% on the Pro variant.
This new model will enable smoother gameplay and an intuitive user interface with good response and greater pixel density. Moreover, the users should face lesser frame drops providing an overall better experience.
Meta claims that it’s an all-in-one wireless headset making it stand out from other models in the market. The brand announced this new headset just before the Apple VR headset reveal which takes place at WWDC 2023 event.