Bluestacks is one of the most popular and the best android emulator. It has a huge user base and many are using it to play games or use android applications on their PC or Laptop. With the advent of Android Emulators PC Android gaming gained a push and many started to enjoy android gaming on their Pc’s. Bluestacks Android emulator may not run on systems with low hardware configuration, still there are many ways which can help you to play android games on pc without Bluestacks. Yeah you heard it the right way, you can play android games on PC without Bluestacks. We get constant requests to write an article with a list of alternatives to Bluestacks. We carried out a little research to list the best available alternatives for Bluestacks. We personally tried and listing a few alternatives of Bluestacks below.
How to play android games on PC without Bluestacks
As we mentioned above that you can play android games on PC without Bluestacks with the help of several alternative android emulators available. Lets have a look at them.
1. YouWave Emulator
YouWave Emulator is one of the popular android emulator after Bluestacks. It is available for both Windows and Mac. It works the same way as Bluestacks which helps you download several android apps and Games. When compared to Bluestacks, YouWave offers some extra features and processing power. The sad part is that it’s a paid one.
Features of YouWave Emulator
- Clear and easy to navigate interface.
- Processing speed of the emulator is good.
- It’s not available for free.
- You can simulate SD Card.
- You can use dynamic rotation to change display rotation form landscape to portrait.
2. Android SDK Emulator
Android itself has an emulator for developers. You too can use it all you need is to download their SDK. It is the real android emulator with a lot of features. No Android Emulator can compete with Android SDK Emulator. If you are developer then you most probably know about it. You can simulate several android devices to test your applications and to know how they look on other devices.
Features of Android SDK Emulator
- Flexible and robust interface.
- Light and Simple.
- New applications and Utilities.
- Its a combinations of set of tools and emulator.
3. Jar of Beans emulator
Jar of Beans is another alternative for bluestacks and third alternative in our list. It runs on Android JellyBean 4.1.1 and you can run most of the applications on this emulator without any issues.
Features of Jar of Beans emulator
- It’s based on Android Jelly Bean.
- You can install and play with apk’s on the go.
- The display resolution of the application is 720P and is of most quality.
- Awesome sound quality.
- Portable version of windows.
4.WindowsAndroid Emulator
WindowsAndroid Emulator is one of the best alternatives for Bluestacks. The most amazing part is that you can run it on low-end systems too. It offers the taste of Android on your system in a easy and stable way.
Features of WindowsAndroid Emulator
- Simple interface and amazing performance.
- You can install it on a system with low configuration.
- Simple and fast environment.
So this is our list of Bluestacks alternatives which will help you play android games on pc without bluestacks. If you know any better alternative which is not listed here do let us know via comments so that we can add them up in the article.
Where to download the said emulates. Please help.
Hi Amar,
I’ve been still using Bluestack App player on my Windows PC, but haven’t tried anything else yet. Here, you’ve written about four Bluestack alternatives! Really, finally got something new to try!
I’ll try these alternative ways as soon as possible and will come back to share my experience with you. Thanks for sharing such a great article with us.
Keep it Up Bro. Best of luck!
THANK U……………………..