Google has launched the Pixel 4a in India. The 4a has launched in the global market 2 months ago, and now the company has unveiled the device for the Indian Market. The smartphone is a successor of 3a and a lite version of Pixel 4, which did not reach in India.
The Pixel series of smartphones are known for their high performance and great camera abilities. Whereas, last year Google introduced a lite version of Pixel with similar camera specs at a low cost to target markets like India.c
A few months back the company launched their latest “a series” smartphone i.e, 4a and now its arrived in India. While talking about the smartphone, the Indian variant of Pixel 4a has similar specs as its global variant.
Pixel 4a Specifications
The smartphone sports a 5.81-inch FHD+ OLED display with a resolution of 1080 x 2340 pixels. It has an aspect ratio of 19.5:9 and supports HDR. The display is protected with Gorilla Glass 3.
The smartphone is powered by a 2.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 730 processor coupled with Adreno 618 GPU. For RAM and storage, it has 6GB LPDDR4x RAM and 128GB internal storage.
As mentioned above it has the same 12.2 MP dual-pixel single lens as the Pixel 4. The single-lens comes with Optical + Electronic image stabilization. Moving to the front camera it has an 8MP selfie camera with an f/2.0 aperture.
The rear camera supports HDR+ with dual exposure controls, Portrait Mode, Top Shot, Night Sight with astrophotography capabilities, and fused video stabilization. Also, it can record up to 4K videos at 30 fps and 1080 pixels videos at 120 fps.
Moreover, it comes with stereo speakers and two microphones with noise suppression and runs on Android 10 and preloaded with a new Google Assistant with the lens.
The smartphone is backed up with a 3,140mAh battery that supports 18W fast charging. The phone comes bundled with a USB Type-C adapter that works with USB PD 2.0 (Power Delivery).
Price and Availability
The price of Pixel 4a has been set Rs 31,999 for the single 6GB + 128GB variant. However, for a limited period of time, the company is offering the phone at a promotional price of Rs. 29,999.
For availability, the smartphone will go on sale for the first time through Flipkart starting October 16. The phone comes in a single Just Black colour variant.