Google launched the latest versions of their Google Pixel smartphones named the Pixel 3 and 3 XL. But we heard that the company has plans for launching an affordable Pixel version for competitive markets such as India. Now, these plans are looking more and more likely to be coming true. This is because we have reports suggesting that the company will launch a Pixel 3 Lite version in the country. Similar to the Pixel 3 series, there are two smartphones in this Pixel 3 Lite version which are Pixel 3 Lite and the Pixel 3 Lite XL.
All you need to know about the Pixel 3 Lite and Pixel 3 Lite XL
We now have the exclusive official renders courtesy 91Mobiles of the Pixel 3 Lite and Pixel 3 Lite XL. The company is very confident that the renders they have made are the real things which will launch early next year in India. As for the Pixel 3 Lite, it will be a smaller version of the Pixel 3 Lite XL. The Pixel 3 Lite will have a 5.5-inch screen whereas the Pixel 3 Lite XL will feature a 6-inch display. Both the devices will have Full HD+ panels at an aspect ratio of 18.5:9. However, there is no notch on either of the phones.
The major difference between the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 Lite smartphones are their display bezels. On closer inspection, you will notice that the Pixel 3 Lite’s display has much more top, bottom, and side bezels than the Pixel 3. Apart from that, there is still a dual tone design on the rear of the Pixel 3 Lite and 3 Lite XL so there’s not much of a difference there. The Pixel 3 Lite series will, however, feature a polycarbonate construction instead of glass for cost-cutting.
While there were dual selfie cameras on the Pixel 3 and 3 XL, there will only be a single camera on the front of the Pixel 3 Lite series. The back will still feature a single camera only as Google strongly believes in their camera processing prowess. On the inside, the Snapdragon 670 SoC will power the Pixel 3 Lite and the Snapdragon 710 SoC should be featured inside the Pixel 3 Lite XL.
Pixel 3 Lite Specifications
- 6-inch Full HD+ display (18.5:9 aspect ratio)
- Snapdragon 710 SoC
- 12MP rear camera, 8MP front camera
- Quick Charging 4.0 support
- 2915 mAh non-removable battery
- 4GB RAM, 32/64GB internal storage
- Android 9.0 Pie
- USB Type-C
- Headphone jack
Pixel 3 Lite XL Specifications
- 5.5-inch Full HD+ display (18.5:9 aspect ratio)
- Snapdragon 670 SoC
- 12MP rear camera, 8MP front camera
- Quick Charging 4.0 support
- 2915 mAh non-removable battery
- 4GB RAM, 32/64GB internal storage
- Android 9.0 Pie
- USB Type-C
- Headphone jack