The Indian smartwatch brand Fire-Boltt has announced its latest Ninja Call Pro Plus smartwatch in the country. The newest launch from the brand features an artificial intelligence (AI) Voice-enabled assistant. The assistant provided with a watch allows hands-free music and attending to calls while driving or exercising.
Co-founders Aayushi and Arnav Kishore claim that
Fire Boltt has become a household name in India when it comes to smartwatches, and our Ninja series has been a major catalyst to this growth. The latest in the series, Ninja Call Pro Plus, is sportier than ever and offers a next-level visual experience with its biggest HD display. The smartwatch is a perfect blend of style and functionality.
The smartwatch features all the necessary health-related tracking options and more than 100 sports modes. The Ninja Call Pro Plus will compete with brands such as Noise, boAt, Realme, and others under India’s Rs. 2000 smartwatch segment.
Let’s check out the full specifications, features, pricing, and availability of the Fire-Boltt Ninja Call Pro Plus.
Fire-Boltt Ninja Call Pro Plus Specifications
The Fire-Boltt Ninja Call Pro Plus arrives with a 1.83-inch HD display featuring a squared dial and a screen resolution of 240 x 284 pixels. The display has curved edges with a vivid color palette emphasizing the watch from every angle. The brand has included customizable watch faces and supports IP67 water resistance up to 5 meters and dust resistance.
The sensors provided on the smartwatch by Fire-Boltt include a heart-rate monitor, SpO2 sensor, sleep tracker, and female health care. The smartwatch features sedentary and hydration reminders catering to health-conscious users. Furthermore, the Ninja Call Pro Plus comes with Bluetooth calling support, including a quick dial pad, call history, and contact syncing features.
Additionally, the smartwatch features 100 sports modes, a notifications display, weather updates, a camera, and music controls. The Ninja Call Pro Plus includes built-in games such as 2048, Thunder Battleship, and Young Bird.
Moreover, the voice-enabled AI assistant present on the smartwatch can help users to control music and calls hands-free. Lastly, the smartwatch can last up to 6 days on a standard full charge and lasts much longer in battery-saving mode.
Price and Availability
The Fire Boltt Ninja Call Pro Plus gets a price tag of Rs 1,999 and flaunts in Navy Blue, Pink, Gold, Grey, and Black color shades. The smartwatch can be purchased from the e-commerce shopping platform Amazon, Fire-Boltt’s official website, and offline retail stores across India.