Social Media company Facebook on Friday 27 March launched a Messenger Chatbot. The Chatbot is launched with the Health Ministry and MyGOv in India to aware people of COVID-19 disease.
As we all know that fake news spread a lot faster, and people blindly trust them without even checking the authenticity and the source of the news. To tackle this problem and spread the correct information Facebook introduced new Messanger Chatbot. Further, on people demand the company has enabled a new option for non-Facebook users to watch live stream.
How to Contact Chatbot
To contact Chatbot search “MyGov Corona Hub” on Facebook and click on Send Message. As soon as you’ll click on the send message button, it will redirect you to the Facebook Messenger app.
The Chabot is available in both Hindi and English language. Depending on the question users will get verified information in the form of a text, infographic, and video.
The Chatbot can provide information about the following topics.
- Latest Update on Coronavirus in India
- Where to get help?
- State Level Status (including State Chatbot)
- Useful Alerts
- Professional Advice by Doctors
- Info on Coronavirus, Symptoms and how to reduce risk
You can explore the Chatbot from the desktop version of Facebook. The process is the same, search the MyGov Corona Hub and click on send a message and send a message like, ‘Get Started’.
New Live Streaming Feature
As per people’s demand, live video increases during COVID-19 lockdown. Facebook is allowing non-users to watch the live stream from mobile devices. Facebook Live is also working on an “audio-only” mode.
The feature works similarly as the “Public Switch Telephone Network,” it will allow people to listen in on a live stream via a toll-free number, similar to calling into a conference call. It was earlier available on desktop. The feature is available for Android users and will be rolling out to iOS in the coming weeks.
Earlier, Facebook-owned WhatsApp and Instagram enabled some options to aware of people. WhatsApp introduced MyGov chatbot, similar to the Messanger Chatbot to spread awareness., while Instagram is showing a WHO message at the top of the Instagram posts.
Further, Instagram also added a Co-watching feature recently. The feature will help people stay connected virtually while maintaining social distance during the coronavirus outbreak.