Dell launches their Inspiron 14 series laptops in India with a regular and a 2-in-1 variant. Both versions of the laptops feature a different set of internals. The vanilla Inspiron 14 comes with the Intel 13th Gen chipset, whereas the 2-in-1 version has the AMD 7000 series chip.
The chipsets provided on these latest sets of laptops from Dell offer improved performance while doing heavy tasks. Additionally, the Inspiron 14 series come with Dell ComfortView software for display and a 16:10 aspect ratio screen. The design of the laptops has a thin form factor and metal build making it feel sturdy and durable.
Let’s check out the features, complete specifications, pricing, and availability of the Dell Inspiron 14 and Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptops.
Dell Inspiron 14 and Inspiron 14 2-in-1 Specifications
The Dell Inspiron 14 and 2-in-1 variants sport a 14-inch Full HD display with an aspect ratio of 16:10. The displays have a peak brightness of 250 nits along with a WVA pane with support for comfort view. The 2-in-1 Inspiron 14 arrives with a 360-degree hinge-enabled touch screen with narrow borders and pen support.
Under the hood, the Inspiron 14 features the 13th Gen Intel Core processors, and the 2-in-1 version gets powered by AMD 7000 series chipset. The storage provided with the laptops includes up to 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM and 512GB of M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD storage. Both laptops include stereo speakers that support Dolby Atmos and Spatial Audio.
Dell has equipped the laptops with a 1080p webcam along with Dual-array microphones. The microphones provided on the laptop help in amplifying the noises. Dell has taken the advantage of AI technology that cancels out the background noises while video calls and recordings. On the security front, the duo comes with a fingerprint scanner and Windows Hello functionality.
The Inspiron 14 series run on the latest Windows 11 operating system with connectivity options like Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth. The I/O ports on the laptops feature an HDMI 1.4, 2x Thunderbolt 4.0, 1x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A, SD card reader, and 3.5 headphone jack. The battery pack provided on laptops is a 54Wh cell that supports 65W ExpressCharge fast charging support. The fast charge technology can charge the device up to 80% in just an hour.
Price and Availability
The Dell Inspiron 13 starts at Rs. 64,990 and the 2-in-1 version costs Rs. 79,990. The Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop with AMD chipset costs Rs. 82,190. Consumers can start the purchase of the Inspiron 14 series from Dell Exclusive Stores, and other retail offline and online stores across India.