Since Google+ officially announced its custom URL option last night, it is creating hell lot of buzz on social media sites and mainly on Facebook. Many people asked me how to get a custom URL for Google Plus profiles of their own. Even some of them messaged me asking how to set custom URL for Google Plus pages. It is very easy task from today and I’ll show you here how to set a custom URL for google Plus profiles and pages.
What are Google+ Custom URLs?
Till now; every profile and page on Google Plus had a lengthy URL with lot or random numbers in it. It is bit hard to remember and even it is almost impossible to access your Google+ profile/page directly by typing in URL bar as you have to remember those entire random numbers. Small mistake in typo will land you on some others profiles.
If you are active on Google+ from last few months or even less you might have seen URL’s like this right?
These things are no more acceptable and you may see those kind of links very often from today. Like Facebook now you can set a desired username in Google Plus as well.
Let me show you an example with my own Google Plus profile and Page
Here are old URL’s of our official pages and I bet; no one is interested to remember those numbers.
Here are new custom URL’s our official profile and page. You can see; those URL’s are reduced in considerable size and very easy to remember and even they look clean and simple
So from now; I can access my profile and Page just by typing
in address bar directly. Earlier we must enter “” these long URL’s in address bar. I hope the concept of custom URL’s is clear for you.
Well! Let me show how to do this. But before getting your own custom URL either for your Google Plus profile or page; you must be eligible for following three limitations. Read on
Limitations to Set a Custom URL’s for Google+ Profile or Page
In order to make use of these custom URL’s you must meet below three conditions,
- You should have a Profile Pic for your account. In case of Google+ Profiles, you must have a profile pic with your own face like you did for Google Authorship.
- You profile or page should have at the least 10 followers, I mean you should be in minimum 10 others circles
- Your account must be at least 1 month old
If you meet all above three conditions, you are eligible to make use these custom URL’s
How to set Custom URL’s for your Google+ Profile or Page
Check your mail Inbox, you might have got a mail from Google+ team with subject “Get Custom URL for your Google+ profile” or “Get Custom URL for your Google+ Page”. We got couple of mails as shown in below image
Open that email and hit Get URL button and immediately you will be taken to Google+ directly
According to your Profile name; Google+ team automatically reserves a custom URL for you. If you’re fine with that URL you can accept it.
If you need something different, you can request a new one. If that custom URL is available and no one had taken it yet, you’re lucky or else you should request another one or should opt for last reserved one.
Remember it takes time to get response for your every request. Keep your patience.
Note: Watch your steps very wisely, this is only one time process for now and it is not possible to change it again unless Google+ offers you to change in future. But I’m sure it is one time change for now.
Same process is applicable for Google+ Pages as well. Let me know from below comments sections if you need any help in setting up a custom URL for Google+ Profile or Page
This article is very effective especially for me. I was searching about it. Now my problem is solved. Thanks for sharing your valuable experience.
I have no email regarding this change. So how can I change my google+ page url?
Give me some other suggestion.
I actually looking for article ini. Nice Info, Currently i just have 2 followers, and I will request to my circle to follow.
I have go through all the blog site told me same thing, but I can’t find a place to change my google plus business page url name. Why it is so hard to do a simple thing at Google….
I met all those requirements and i still cant get a custom url? why is that
i have 16 followers, profile pic, and more than a month.
just tried your method to find the way to make customized google plus url, but i saw google deleted this function? Or do i have any level to reach before i can change it?
No, this feature is still available. What is the issue you are facing actually?
I just created an account and am looking for a custom url for the Google+ page. I’ve heard a mixture of things. Some people say if you have at least 10 followers, an account at least 30 days old, and a profile photo it will be enabled.
However Google+ help says the eliminated the feature. Please help.
Seems they removed it in new Google+