This new generation is addicted to internet. Many of these internet addicts always search to make money online. Blogging is one of the best and awesome way to earn money online. Blogging helps to sharp our know skill and even their is a chance to know unknown things too. In addition to his we can even earn some hard cash. Once you have decided to rock this blogging field, Tons of questions and choices may enter your mind. They include Theme, CMS, Niche, How to make many and may other. Out of these blogging platform is first and crutial step. Choosing best blogging platform is not an easy task. best blogging platform includes many things that helps you to customize your site. Now there are many blogging platforms available now. So your turn is to choose a best blogging platform.
We gathered many details about best blogging platforms that helps you to establish a new blog or website. Here are 5 Best Blogging platforms which helps as a basement for websites
1. WordPress (Self Hosted)
No Doubt, Self Hosted WordPress is best blogging platform in any case. Millions of blogs are now running on this WoprdPress CMS. Billions of plugins are available now to download for free. Hosting Providers too made the installation of WordPress much easier. Now WordPress is install on your server, even you can install it with single click. Plugins made the usage of WordPress much easier. No limitations are from WordPress and you can use this in all possible ways. Plenty of Free and Premium WordPress themes are available.
2. Blogger (Hosted)
Blogger is a Google product. Every Newbie blogger start his blogging life from Blogger because it is completely free. Even me started my first site on blogger with blogspot extension. later i came to know about this WordPress and shifted to it. Blogger is Completely free and easy to edit and customize. Google love those site which runs on Blogger dashboard. When compared to WordPress Blogger has less features to perform SEO. But don’t worry Google is now updating this blogger platform and i know within a year or two all WordPress fans may change to blogger again. Blogger completely depend on HTML. As said in case of WordPress, Many Good looking themes are available for blogger too. We can edit those themes as we prefer but we can you only HTML. As it is free, default site domain contain blogspot extension. Even we can use costume domain too. No Plugins available for Blogger. Blogger is the second best blogging platform to start a new site
3. WordPress (Hosted)
Are you thinking about WordPress – Self hosted and WordPress – Hosted ? Well ! I’m coming to point, In case of WordPress – Self Hosted sites we have purchase a hosting plan but in case of WordPress – Hosted, there is no need to include a hosting plan. Hosted WordPress works similar to Blogger. When Blogger is compared to Hosted WordPress, Blogger comes first. In WordPress – Hosted we are not permitted to earn income. They are useful for personal sites. Sites running on these WordPress – Hosted may contain extension.
4. Joomla (Self Hosted)
Jommla can handle any type of sites. Even Social Media sites can be created on Joomla platform. It is easy to use and very powerful. E-commerce and personal sites can also be created on joomla. It is also a best blogging platform which is capable to handle large themes and plugins. As it is Self Hosted platform, we have to include a hosting plan as we did for WordPress hosted platform.
5. Tumbler (Hosted)
I finally decided to add Tumbler in this list. As it is not consider as a best blogging platform but i must add this in this list. It is completely free and almost similar to Blogger. Decent number of themes are available for tumbler. Esay to access but not a best CMS to earn monry online.
What you have Decided ?
Now, Everything is up to you. I recommend WordPress for better results. Let me know what you have decided and your response by leaving a comment here
Indeed WordPress is a fantastic platform to get started with a new website. There are many tutorials and sites which cater to newbies and professionals alike with suitable inputs for website creation. Beginners would find WordPress in particular quite handy and simple to understand and I would like to share some inputs which I have gathered over time. If you are a person without experience, then with the help of he or she can set up their own professional website within minutes. After choosing your domain and hosting services, installation of WordPress is defined here in a step by step procedure which can be understood by any person regardless of prior knowledge about the same.
I start blogging using the Blogger platform. It is a user friendly platform. But now, I am trying the wordpress.Its really a great platform and it has so many great features.
I feel that WordPress is the best platform because of the SEO benefit. Google loves WordPress too, I have always been on WordPress and I love it with all the free plugins and features you get with it.
Great post
Hi iam new to blogging i started my blog 3 months ago. I choose blogger as it is simple to use. After reading this post i decided to move to wordpress.
Hi this is really interesting I have set up a blog as an experiment on webeden. Seems fine but looks no where as good as word press was going to do another one but now not sure which platform to use. Do I stay with something I know how to use out of convenience or jump ship to something better. I think I will probably jump ship.
Great info thanks lee
If you are not good at WordPress don’t go with it immediately.
First install WordPress in local host and test it
Installing wordpress locally is completely free, we no need any domain and hosting. You can install themes , plugins and everything.
Once you understand the WordPress, shift your blog. So, you may won;t feel any difficulty
Best post.Thanks for sharing information’s.
welcome dude
Yes, I think it’s best to start with blogger first, since the interface is relatively easier to use. My only issue with the site is that WordPress trumps it when it comes to themes, and over all visual look. I’d also suggest Jux to artists/bloggers who are more keen in the visuals.
Totally agreed with you. Me too started my blogging life on blogger and shifted to WordPress
I start blogging using the Blogger platform. It is a user friendly platform. But now, I am trying to explore the wordpress platform. I am still confused on some of it’s functions. Overall, it is just the same with Blogger. Never had tried using other platform except the two.
Almost everyone start their blogging life on blogspot and end at WordPress. Yes, WordPress is awesome if we use it in all possible ways
You are right, Amar. The best way to start blogging is to go with blogger unless you are a Pro.
I suggest using WordPress self-hosted blog to new bloggers.
I don’t think so pavan. Newbies must start their blogging life on Blogspot
You’re right Amar, blogger is the best blogging platform for beginners. It is by far the easiest to manage even without technical knowledge. I started with zero knowledge about how to start a blog. I just love writing so I tried to make my own blog to share my thoughts. I agree that blogger is very commendable for beginners.
Though a lot of people use Joomla but I don’t have much fond memories with this blogging platform. When I started building websites I got enticed into using Joomla but every now and then I used to get stuck in it’s complicated interface. Now that I am using wordpress selfhosted plans I think I am much better off.